Refund Policy

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Customers may choose to cancel their service(s) with us at any time. Customers submitting a cancellation request within the first thirty (30) days of their first quarterly, semi-annually or annual service with us will have their full payment refunded, minus any exempted add-ons or other non-refundable charges. This is our 30 day money back guarantee.

We want you to be completely happy with our service. If you are not happy and you wish to cancel, please contact us using the support ticket system in your account control panel.

Please note that if you have more than one web hosting account with us and only cancel one of the them, the refunded amount can not be transferred to any other of your web hosting accounts that you have with Visiba.

The 30 day money back guarantee shall not be applied if:

  • The account is a monthly paid plan;
  • More than 75% of the allocated bandwidth is used within the first thirty (30) days;
  • The account is terminated by us for violation of our Terms of Service;
  • The account holder has previously cancelled an account with us and received a refund, whether under this guarantee or otherwise.

Non-refundable Charges

Fees for certain account add-ons, once paid, are non-refundable. These include:

  • Domain registration, transfer or renewal fees;
  • SSL certificate fees.

Once registered or ordered, domain names and SSL certificates become the property of the customer, and remain so in the event of cancellation, hence they are non-refundable.

If the account included a free domain name registration, transfer or renewal, the appropriate registration, transfer or renewal fee will be deducted from any refund given. The domain name will remain the property of the customer.


Visiba reserves the right to modify the present refund policy at any time without any prior notice to you. It is your responsibility to check website for any changes and modifications to the present refund policy.